Our candles are hand poured with premium materials and 100% soy wax

  • 100% Soy Wax

    Soy wax is a preferable choice for candles over alternative waxes for several reasons. Firstly, soy wax is derived from soybeans, making it a renewable and sustainable resource, whereas paraffin wax, a common alternative, is derived from petroleum, a non-renewable resource. Secondly, soy wax burns more cleanly, producing fewer toxins and pollutants than paraffin wax, which can release harmful chemicals when burned. Additionally, soy wax has a lower melting point, resulting in a longer burning time and better fragrance dispersion, providing a more environmentally friendly and enhanced candle-burning experience compared to alternatives.

  • Artisan Made

    Our Artisan-made candles offer a luxury experience for several reasons. Firstly, our artisans use high-quality, carefully selected ingredients, resulting in a more refined and unique fragrance. Additionally, our artisan candles are crafted with greater attention to detail and a personal touch, showcasing the skill and creativity of the maker. Finally, supporting artisan-made candles contributes to the sustainability of small businesses and local economies, providing consumers with a more authentic and meaningful product.